One Farm Wholesale Store

Our Promise - No hormones, antibiotics, or steroids - EVER! Our chickens roam inside or outside at will during the day! They are offered certified organic feed with whatever they scratch up outside. They drink only chemical free water. Taste the difference!

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Interested in a wholesale account? Give us a call at 918-864-4529 to discuss the details or feel free to click below to create an account and then give us a call to convert your account to wholesale pricing. (NOTE: Retail prices will remain visible until your account is converted.)

Whole Bird Options

Case-Fryer under 3 pounds

Approximately 11 birds per case

Case-Spatchcock 4 to 5lb

8 chickens, average weight 4.75 pounds

Case-Whole Chicken

Approximately 8 birds per case

Fryer under 3 pounds

Whole chicken, average weight 2.75

Spatchcock-4 to 5lb

1 chicken, average weight 4.75 pounds

Whole Chicken

Whole chicken, average weight 4.25 pounds

Organ Meat and broth packs